Defined as holding multiple perspectives without judgment. Dimensions of diversity include, but are not limited to, race, ethnicity, religion, age, sexuality, physical ability, sexual identity, and geography.
The University Office for Diversity and Inclusion has primary responsibility for providing University-wide leadership on best practices and strategies to build and sustain an inclusive campus community. D&I promotes the principles of equity and inclusion in recruitment, through diversity education and functions, and development programming. D&I strives to position Carolina to fulfill its mission of educating a diverse student body with the added goal of aspiring to attract and retain faculty and staff reflective of our larger community while maintaining an unwavering commitment to excellence.
D&I Enriches the Experience for all.
For high school students, we offer guidance through every aspect of the college choice process. From scheduling a campus visit to the first day of classes, we are here to ensure that every young scholar who dreams of setting out for Carolina will find an encouraging and supportive team awaiting their arrival.
Whether it’s orientation, first-year registration, campus life, choosing a major, or celebrating graduation, our experiences allow students to grow their cultural competency, thrive, and make their unique HEELprint. Our programs and initiatives serve as a cornerstone for academic achievement and personal growth.
D&I offers all-encompassing support, from the recruitment and hiring process to identifying research opportunities and facilitating an engaging workplace experience. We initiate and sustain conversations and projects that enrich your professional journey while building an inclusive work environment.
Our work extends beyond the Carolina campus. We work with graduating students as they transition into the new experiences that await them. We foster an ongoing network that allows us to connect with alumni, community, business leaders, and external organizations for building pipelines and diversity education.
The University Office for Diversity & Inclusion has been instrumental in creating positive recognition for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Among our awards are three consecutive Higher Education Excellence in Diversity (HEED) awards in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018, presented by INSIGHT Into Diversity to colleges and universities that demonstrate an outstanding commitment to diversity and inclusion; and recognition by U.S. Veteran’s Magazine as a Top Veteran-Friendly School in their Summer 2018 Summer Best of the Best issue.
Meet Our Staff:-

Special Advisor to the Provost and Chancellor for Equity & Inclusion
Interim Chief Diversity Officer
Sibby Anderson Thompkins, PhD (SIH-bee ANN-dur-son TOM-kins)

Assistant to Senior Director
Antoinette Bullard (ANN-twa-NET BULL-urd)
(919) 843-5517

Programmatic Support Coordinator
Taneisha Henderson (tah-NEE-sha HEN-dur-son)
(919) 962-2431

Student Engagement Coordinator
Dway Stover (DWAY STOW-vur)
(919) 962-7330

Senior Director for Education, Operations and Initiatives
Gretchen C. Bellamy, JD, LLM (GREH-chen SEE BELL-ah-me)

Assistant Director for Strategy and Programs
Destiny Reid (DES-ta-nee REED)
(919) 962-9700

Communications Specialist
Adrianne Gibilisco (AH-dree-AH-nee JIH-bih-LIH-sco)
(919) 843-6085

Director, Student Access & Success
Rachel Tates (RAY-chell TAYTS)
(919) 843-6401
Meet our Graduate Assistants

Student Engagement Coordinator
Ryan McKeel (RI-en muh-KEEL)

Graduate Assistant
Dee Gladney (dee glad-nee)
SASB North, Suite 3226
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