Achieving Carolina Excellence (ACE) is a program originally designed to assist first-year and transfer students from underrepresented populations with their transition to Carolina. ACE provides incoming students with the tools needed to ensure their academic, social and emotional success at Carolina.
Due to COVID-19, ACE will be held virtually. The safety and well-being of everyone at Carolina are at top priority and so we are offering ACE virtually and it will be a series of sessions held over the Fall semester, instead of the traditional two-day experience. By participating in ACE, students will:
- Engage in sessions designed to spark academic curiosity, encourage multiculturalism and facilitate the enhancement of strong cultural identity and positive self-esteem
- Gain direct access to campus resources, support services and other matriculated students
- Engage in sessions with University administration, faculty and staff
This year, the first session will take place Wednesday, August 12th to Thursday, August 13th. In addition, this year ACE will not be exclusively just for incoming first-year and transfer students, but open to all Carolina undergraduate students. Register to participate by Friday, August 7th.
Links to Register:
First-Year and Transfer Students: http://go.unc.edu/ACE2020RegistrationFYT
Current Students (Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors): http://go.unc.edu/ACE2020RegistrationCS
Achieving Carolina Excellence Dates:
Wednesday, August 12th – Thursday, August 13th
Registration Deadline:
Friday, August 7th
Day 1: Wednesday, August 12th
Session | Time |
Welcome | 6:00PM-6:10PM |
Small Group | 6:10PM-6:30PM |
Discussion with Senior Director, Gretchen Bellamy and Special Advisor to the Chancellor and Provost, Sibby Thompkins | 6:35PM-7:45PM |
Small Group | 7:50PM-8:50PM |
Day 2: Thursday, August 13th
Session | Time |
Large Group | 6:00PM-6:05PM |
Campus Resources Session | 6:05PM-7:00PM |
ACE Expo | 7:05PM-8:55PM |
Throw down Thursday | 8:00PM-9:00PM |
Below is a list of student organizations and campus departments grouped by category. Within each category, there is the organization title, brief description and zoom link. You can participate in as many sessions as you would like. To join a session, copy and paste the zoom link into your browser and join meeting via Zoom.
Organization | Description | Zoom Link |
Afro-Latinx | The purpose of Afro-Latinx is to educate members of the Afro-Latinx community, in addition to allies, about Afro-Latinx culture and diversity. Afro-Latinx serves as a safe space for Afro-Latinx peoples and serves this community via volunteering and mentorship. Lastly, Afro-Latinx brings awareness to the discrimination that this community faces, locally and globally, and finds ways to combat this discrimination via social justice initiatives. | https://uncsph.zoom.us/j/94817660280 |
UNC Asian American Student Association | AASA is a student organization on campus that emphasizes the promotion of cultural and social awareness on campus and to the community through service projects, cultural events, working with other organizations, and sponsoring social events. | https://unc.zoom.us/j/98306682653 |
Carolina Indian Circle | To assist Native American Indian students academically and socially by providing a positive atmosphere and a sense of community. To educate the university community and the general public by ensuring that Native American cultural heritage is recognized and respected at UNC Chapel Hill through appropriate curriculum, research, administrative support, cultural events and increased American Indian representation on the faculty and staff. To aid the university in culturally relevant activities in the recruitment, retention and support of American Indian students. To fulfill our responsibility to our Native American communities by providing, performing and supporting public and community service | https://unc.zoom.us/j/92404722000 |
Caribbean Student Association (CSA) | The all-inclusive Caribbean Student Association showcases, educates, and celebrates the unique and diverse cultures of the Caribbean with the people of the Chapel Hill area while also providing service to local and Caribbean communities. | https://unc.zoom.us/j/97219278852 |
OASIS | The footprints of O.A.S.I.S reflect dedication to spreading awareness of the beauty of African culture and serving as a resource for the UNC-CH campus and the surrounding communities. We strive to advocate for change and address social issues in the spirit of unity. We are a family. We are an OASIS in the desert of knowledge. By these goals we light the path towards the African Continent. | https://unc.zoom.us/j/94450530412 |
UNC Spark | UNC Spark is a four-year cohort program for self-identified women of color at UNC . The primary focus of the first year is identity exploration and community building. Participants will do this primarily through their involvement in the Spark Retreat. First-years may apply to join the Spark program here: go.unc.edu/spark2024 | https://unc.zoom.us/j/96241642679 |
Queen In You | Queen In You is a franchised organization of collegiate women who dedicate time to train future queens in the areas of professional development, self-esteem, etiquette, scholarship, and service. We also serve as a safe space for women of color on campus to network and express themselves. | https://unc.zoom.us/j/94057783813 |
We Wear the Mask | With the motto “Unveil the Mask” our commitment is to implement continuous and sustainable initiatives that encourage comfort in expression, emotion, and positive strategies that promote a better quality of life and state of mental health, with specific focus on creating safe spaces of discussion and learning more about cultural experiences that affect mental health of those within the African-American population. | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9051799833?pwd=NCs5aGZVbm45Wkxqdkp6emI3WUdUUT09 |
Black Student Movement (BSM) | The Black Student Movement is the largest cultural organization at UNC and was established in 1967. Join us to meet our leadership and learn more about BSM! | https://unc.zoom.us/j/91502794879 |
Mi Pueblo | Mi Pueblo seeks to sponsor awareness around Latinx issues, culture, and heritage at UNC and the surrounding community, as well as provide a supportive and welcoming environment for all students. We hope to promote tolerance, multiculturalism, community, and support of one another. | https://unc.zoom.us/j/91296814334 |
Organization/Department | Description | Zoom Link |
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. | The fundamental purpose of our organization is achievement in every field of human endeavor. We strive to unite college men of culture, patriotism, and honor in a bond of fraternity; to encourage honorable achievement in every field of human endeavor; to promote the spiritual, social, intellectual, and moral welfare of its members; to assist the aims of colleges and universities; and to inspire service in the public’s interest. | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9594433916?pwd=MDhiS0ZoV0ZDZFRRM1NTRVdYYzQzUT09 Meeting ID: 959 443 3916 |
Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. | The Alpha Iota Chapter of La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. is a socially conscious, service driven, academically focused and proactive organization. Based on principles of being Premier, Prestigious, and Professional, the Alpha Iota Chapter will continue to change the status of not just Latinos, but of all underrepresented minority groups. | https://unc.zoom.us/j/99907582788 |
Office for Fraternity and Sorority Life | Join the Fraternity and Sorority Life staff for an info session! No questions are off limits! We will utilize this time to answer how recruitment/intake processes will look different for fall and what you can expect by participating in the process, what you will gain from being involved in one of our fraternities or sororities, and leadership/professional development opportunities you will be offered. | https://unc.zoom.us/j/95309499087 |
Omega Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. | Omega Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated is a multiethnically-based, Latina-oriented organization embracing the diversity of all women. OPBSI was founded on March 15, 1989 by seventeen diverse women. We are an organization focusing on women’s empowerment, academic achievement, professionalism, service, and diversity. | https://unc.zoom.us/j/95870628511 |
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. | We are the first historically but not exclusively black intercollegiate greek letter fraternity. For more than 40 years, the Mu Zeta Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. has set the bar for Greek excellence at UNC, upholding the aims of Alpha: manly deeds, scholarship, and love for all mankind. | https://unc.zoom.us/j/96544177631 |
Organization/Department | Description | Zoom Link |
Misconception | Misconception Dance Company is a multicultural hip hop dance group established in the fall of 2003 at UNC Chapel Hill. Misconception, commonly known as MCOC, is a family dedicated to promoting cross cultural learning in the art form as it provides an inclusive and fun environment for members. Across campus, MCOC is known for its unique style and attitude and most of all passion for dance. | https://unc.zoom.us/j/91783892528 |
Ebony Readers/Onyx Theater (EROT) | Ebony Readers/Onyx Theater (EROT) is the premier spoken word organization founded under the Black Student Movement. We use poetry and performance to illuminate social issues. Virtual auditions are currently open! If you’re interested in auditioning, submit a recorded, memorized piece by August 20th using the link tinyurl.com/2020EROTAuditions. Email erotperform@gmail.com if you have any questions! | https://unc.zoom.us/j/97581069210 |
Organization/Department | Description | Zoom Link |
Healthy Girls Save the World | Healthy Girls Save the World is an organization dedicated to promoting three pillars among middle school and college women: healthy bodies, healthy minds and healthy relationships. In addition to mentoring middle school youth, we host seminars and events on how to lead healthy lifestyles for those at UNC as well. Tune in to learn more about our past events, our committees, and what you should do to join! | https://unc.zoom.us/j/98092110944 |
Organization/Department | Description | Zoom Link |
English Comparative Literature (ECL) | Love books? Movies? Writing? Wondering what a class in English and Comparative Literature (ECL) looks like (online or in person)? Thinking about English as a major, minor, or second major? Join Dr. Jennifer Larson, Teaching Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies for discussion of what to expect in an ECL course and how ECL courses can prepare you for success in other UNC courses and in your career. Professor Larson will also answer questions about ECL courses and ECL programs. | https://unc.zoom.us/j/97569548710 |
Xcel | Xcel is a mentorship program designed around the first-year experience. We are committed to increasing the preparation and retention of underrepresented minority first-year students pursuing a STEM major and/or pre-health degree. We seek to help them thrive in the college environment academically, psychologically, and socially. | https://unc.zoom.us/j/6709198593 |
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