As we navigate the work/life changes brought on by the COVID-19 virus, we recognize that many of our faculty, staff, students/parents have questions regarding changes to University policies and resources available to them. Please check the links below for information to help support you during this time (updates will be made continuously):
The University has prepared a CV19 Student Care Hub to provide resources and support for you, our students, as you navigate the impact of these extraordinary circumstances.
You can also find information at Additional COVID-19 Student Resources and Announcements.
Important Coronavirus updates from the UNC System will be announced here so that you are prepared for any changes in plans and protocol as we navigate reduced campus operations and services, as well as school closures. The Carolina Together website provides further information, providing you with a roadmap for what to expect as we return for the Fall 2020 semester. You will also find information for students and parents about governmental information, resources and answers to your questions about how the closure will affect classes as we look towards the 2020 semester. With only mandatory employees reporting to campus and all others operating from home, questions abound regarding resources and new guidelines. Faculty and staff will find guidance about how your job and health are affected by the mandated school closure.
Virtual learning has increased at light speed since the campus has closed. Countless webinars and Zoom sessions are being held, with a focus on how COVID-19 affects our communities, our work and ourselves. The Special Programming Regarding COVID-19 page is updated daily to reflect the latest events.
Social distancing guidelines and closures can create an increased risk of violence for people isolated with abusive partners or family members and can create barriers for people who need support. The Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) and COVID-19 Resources page provides you with tools, resources and support to help keep you safe.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. To ensure that everyone in the Carolina community’s overall health and well-being is supported, the Mental Health Awareness Month and COVID-19 Resources page provides you with practical tools to help you.
As a leader in research and medicine, UNC-Chapel Hill is poised to discover the answers about confronting the COVID-19 pandemic. Numerous ventures are being done on campus. Articles About COVID-19 Research at UNC provides insightful stories about the progress being made at Carolina to solve a global problem.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had an enormous impact on higher education and the way we navigate this new normal as a society. Articles about COVID-19 and its impact on Education and Society will provide some answers, provocative thoughts about how we move forward and potential alternatives to the way we are finding our balance during this hectic time.
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